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Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Girls Softball

Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Girls Softball

BHBL Rec League

Our recreation softball season starts in May and runs through the middle of June. Girls who meet the age requirement (as of Dec. 31st), may register regardless of their experience and are organized into teams within the age divisions listed below.

The team dri-fit shirt (included in the registration fee) will be provided before the start of the season. Each player will need to provide a fielding glove and batting helmet equipped with both a face cage and chin strap. All players are be "Strongly Encouraged" to wear a fielding mask on the field at all times.  Link to examples of Fielder's Masks

Parents that would like to be a coach, assistant coach or help in the dugout must register through the same process as the players and must submit to a mandatory background check.

Can my daughter be on a team with her friends?

There is no consideration for friends in rec softball. The league will automatically assign all players using the registration software to randomly assign players.  Siblings will be on the same team.  If there is a specific need for reassignment you may request through the Board. 

Rec League Divisions

T-Ball (Grades Pre K-1, Ages 4-6)

T-ball is designed to acquaint beginners in Pre K through 1st grade with basic skills of throwing, catching, fielding, base-running and hitting. The ball is hit off a tee allowing players to concentrate on the swing. 11" softie softball is used.

Download Rules - 2023

Instructional (Grades 2-3, Ages 7-8)

Instructional reinforces the skills learned in T-ball and introduces a pitched ball to the players. The coaches pitch the ball. 11" softie softball is used.

Download Rules - 2023

Minors (Grades 4-5, Ages 9-10)

Players pitch, with a coach pitching after three walks in an inning. ASA approved 11" softball is used.

Download Rules - 2023

Majors (Grades 6-8, Ages 11-13)

12" softball is used. Players throw all pitches. ASA umpires will be used for games. ASA approved 12" softball is used.

Download Rules - 2023

Managers & Coaches Commitment

Every Manager and Coach is to follow the guidelines provided below. If you observe conduct inconsistent with these guidelines, or in violation of our zero tolerance policy, please contact the BH-BL Girls Softball League.


As a manager or coach you share the responsibility for ensuring that the parents and players on your team conduct themselves appropriately. If you have any problems or circumstances you are unable to control, you must bring it to the attention of a Board Member immediately.

Good Sportsmanship at All Times

Our goal is to offer an environment where our players can learn an appreciation for teamwork and develop a true enjoyment of the game. In our desire to develop competitive players we must at all times encourage them to show respect for their opponent. Team cheers should remain positive and not be directed toward any member(s) of the opposing team in a demeaning fashion. This behavior can undermine the positive atmosphere that we are trying to create.

Teach Playing Skills

As a manager, your time will be limited. Good coach selection will be important to your team's performance. Read, watch videos and observe other coaches to become knowledgeable in the fundamentals of sound instruction. If you have any questions or need assistance in this area please contact a Board Member.

Division Rules

As a group, please follow and adhere to the rules provided for your division of play. The rules were designed with the girls' development in mind and is the minimum standard to be followed.


Make sure no child is left unattended during or after a practice or game. The manager and/or coach will wait with the child until they are picked up. Make every effort to insure that a manager or coach is not alone with one child. Injuries. All injuries should be reported to the league, especially if you feel that medical attention was/will be needed.


Managers are selected and approved by the BHBL Board and serve at the Board's discretion. Managers may select their own coaches and/or team parents; however, the Board retains the right of approval or disapproval of selected coaches or team parents.


Treat umpires with respect. The field is theirs during the game and as such, you may have to bend a little to accept their decisions. Study the rules and have a working understanding of them. If a dispute arises over a rule interpretation, voice your objection in an educated, civil manner. This is especially important when we are using parent/youth volunteers.


The BHBL Girls Softball League is run by hard working volunteers who are responsible for running the entire league, distributing information, assisting managers and parents of players with any questions or concerns that may develop. Please do not demand immediate answers to your questions. Show them courtesy and respect and you will get their best effort in resolving problems.


Basic equipment, including catching gear, bats, helmets, tees (if applicable) and practice balls will be issued to you. It will be your responsibility to care for these items and RETURN ALL ITEMS in good condition at the end of the season.


You will be given team t-shirts to distribute to each of your players. Please use the list provided when distributing shirts; each player ordered a specific size.


Each team and staff is responsible for raking out the infield, removing bases from the field and inserting plugs, and picking up litter left around the field, including the backstop area, at the end of each practice and/or game. Please take a few minutes after each game or practice to make sure the field is left in better shape than the way you found it. Yes, sometimes this might mean having to clean up after someone else! Better yet, ask your team parent to coordinate this while you focus your attention on your players.

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